How To Create Your Own Facemash Using WordPress

Mark Zuckerberg
Who is hotter? Left one, No right!

No I have not gone crazy but this was how Facemash worked, you remember it right?

Well If you have seen the movie “The Social Network” then it would be a shame if you don’t know about it, if Mark Zuckerberg never made Facemash Facebook would have never been born.

So the basic idea behind Facemash was that it showed people two pictures of girls of Harvard and then people had to choose the one which looks more hot or sexy. This way they were ranking girls.

Though the site face a lot of criticism from girls and other students and Mark was detained but he was able to do something great. After knowing about this site I also thought “Why not create my own site like Facemash?”

And here I am with the tutorial to help you out in creating your own Facemash like site and No Coding Required.

So in this tutorial about creating a voting site we are going to use the popular content management system (CMS), WordPress. Now WordPress is a really flexible platform and I won’t be wrong if I say that there are plugins that can make your blog do anything except taking a shit 😀

So the first we are going to need is self-hosted WordPress installed in your hosting account.

In the whole process this is the only thing that will cost you money so I recommend that you read my guide on starting your self-hosted wordpress blog for free.

So when you have everything setup with wordpress, just head to the plugins option in your sidebar and click on Add New.

Search for “Hot or Not” and install the first result that comes up. This is the plugin we are going to need.

hot or not

When you have installed the plugin you will see two more options added to your WP Dashboard which are “Competitors” and “Hot or Not”.

Now from the sidebar head to the Competitors option. Competitors is a custom post type to create all the entries for your Face mash like site.competitors

In the competitors option click on “Add New”. The new competitor page will look like your new post page here you will need to first name your competitor and then click on “Add Media” and upload the image of the competitor.

add a competiitors

Though you can also write a description but I don’t think it will be necessary as the site will ask people to judge on the basis of looks not qualities.

You will have to create a separate competitor type post for every competitor, like you are going to hold a competition between twenty people then you will have to create twenty different competitors using that option.

Now that you have added all the competitors it’s time to create a competition, head to “Posts” option and click on “Add New”.

In the add new post page you will see a new button in your toolbar with a flash icon, click on it.

add shortcode

Now you will be asked to create a shortcode for the competition, choose all the options according to your choice and click on insert shortcode and publish the post.

hot or not shortcode

Now if you wish to do so you can style the way the competition post looks. In the sidebar find the Hot or Not option and click on customize, you can customize the button captions and other stuff and by clicking on “Styling” you can play with the color combination.

So there you are, with your own Facemash.

You can use it like Zuckerberg did, add the images of the girls in your college or school and get detained. Or whatever you wish to do because you own it and you are the god.

But make sure you first have a read about the Indian Cyber Law; here is a post I have written on the same about the Indian Cyber Law.

Author: Crazy INDIAN

Mobile : +91-7838403916 Email Id :

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