Protect Pendrive From Unwanted Virus Attacks

Just create the Dummy virus files in the name of viruses in your pendrive..

Dont worry it wont harm you computer in anyway..

Here is the list of some commonly known viruses that harms your pendrive and compuer.

  • autorun.inf
  • New Folder.exe
  • svchost.exe
  • command
  • resycled
  • n.vbe
  • regsvr.exe
  • system

Thats ok..! Where is the steps to prevent the attacks..?

Here it is..

Just we gonna create dummy virus files in name of actual viruses, so that viruses cant load in you pendrive with that name.. 🙂

Step 1:

  1. Windows key + R ( Open Run command)
  2. Type ‘Control Folders’, Folder option will be opened
  3. Select ‘View’ Tab
  4. Unmark ‘Hide extensions for file types’ , so that you can edit the file extensions

Step 2:

  1. Create a folder and name it as ‘autorun.inf’
  2. Create a file named ‘New Folder.exe’
  3. Create a file named ‘svchost.exe’
  4. Create a file named ‘command’
  5. Create a foder named ‘resycled’
  6. Create a file named ‘New Folder.exe’
  7. Create a file named ‘n.vbe’
  8. Create a file named ‘regsvr.exe’
  9. Create a file named ‘system’

These steps will certainly prevent you from some common virus attacks.. You can try this steps for other virues also..

If you find your pen drive seems messy with these files, just follow the steps to hide them:
Method 1:
  Right Click on each File, Select Properties and Mark ‘Hidden’ option.
Method 2:
  This is somewhat difficult to amateur users..
  1.   Open Dos-promt by typing ‘cmd’ in Run ( Windows key + R ) option
  2.   Type attrib +h +r +s   filename 
  3.   This will not only makes the dummy virus file as hidden but also makes them read-only and     system file.
  4.   Eg: attrib +h +r +s regsvr.exe 
  5.   Repeat above steps for all dummy virus files.

Author: Crazy INDIAN

Mobile : +91-7838403916 Email Id :

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